Using a Sticky Design Inspires Drone Hitchhikes, Flies, and Swims by Fish, Imperial College London

 A new drone design that uses hitchhiking to save power and flies in the air and on the water is now available for pre-order. The Imperial College London team, which includes experts in aerial robotics, has built a new drone that is capable of attaching to a wide range of wet and dry surfaces, of varying texture and shape, with battery-saving characteristics. Additionally, the drone is capable of self-adapting such that it may descend from the air and then swim in the water. Longer airborne and underwater observations are possible thanks to the drone's capacity to "rest" while hitchhiking. Professor Li Wen is the driving force behind the new drone technology, which was developed in association with Imperial College London and Empa. Also Read:  Drones can assist India’s agro-industry in taking off and lifting other sectors, according to the CEO of VFLYX Resting in the style of a fish Drone tasks that require a lot of power, including continuous flying or propulsion underwa...

Tips to amazing Subject lines for Email Marketing


Tips to amazing Subject lines for Email Marketing

As you know subject line is very important for your email marketing campaign. If your subject line is not good then why someone will open your email. If you want to increase the open rate of your email then you have to focus on your subject line.

Firstly, your subject line decides whether your email campaign will be beneficial for you or not. To write a good subject line, you can simply follow the following tips.

Focus on action verbs:

If you want to engage your audience then the use of action verbs would be a good practice. Because action verbs capture the attention of your audience. Don’t use passive voice sentences for a subject line. Avoid this practice (Using words like was/were or verbs with “-ed”). For getting better results for your campaign, action verbs will be the right choice.

Subject lines should be short:

Subject line should be short

It’s a general rule that your subject line should be short and simple. A short subject line will help the viewer to easily understand. If you write complex and lengthy subject lines then forget about increasing the open rate of your email. A short and simple subject line is also useful on mobile.

Many subscribers decide from the subject line whether they will read the email or not. For getting more clicks on your email then keep your subject line easy to understand.

Don’t use too many punctuations and emojis:

An excessive amount of anything in your subject line can upset your recipient. Your subscriber will not like the fact that the subject line is too complicated. Besides that, it is also possible that your email will go to the spam folder due to excessive use of punctuations and emojis.

A/B test your subject lines:

A/B Test Subject line

With numerous email service providers (including SMTP Server), you've got the power to A/B test your subject lines to ascertain what your audience engages with most. This is often such an excellent tool to find out more about your audience and what they wish to see in your emails. This is the best way to know about the behavior of your audience and it will help you to get better results for your email campaign.

Know about your subscribers:

If you know the need of your subscribers then there are more chances that you will provide more value to your subscribers.

Learn on what’s happening:

Whether it’s a festival or a welcome email, leverage holidays to form your email timely for your recipients.

If you want more tips on writing subject lines, you can check out our article, Email Marketing Subject Line Best Practices.

For more email marketing tips, take a glance at our Email Marketing Getting Started Guide. You’ll find everything from the way to build your email contact list to measuring campaign results.